I didn't start cloth diapering my son until he was about three months old. I just wasn't able to purchase a lot at one time. I slowly begun to build my stash. After getting comfortable with it, I started looking for night time options. Sylas doesn't sleep through the night, but doesn't fully wake up either. So no diaper changing. I needed to find options so we didn't have leaks. I don't mind changing my sheets but doing so every day can get a little tiring. After doing some researching, I discovered woolies.
I thought, ew, I bet they're going to be all hot and scratchy. After asking a few questions on Diaperswappers, I started searching. We weren't doing so well finacially there for awhile and weren't able to spend a lot. I found a nice lady on Diaperswappers that did cheapish crochet longies. So I put in for a custom order.
My husband was surprised that I actually ordered some because I can crochet. I had no clue how easy it was! I purchased a pattern and began to hook away! It was then my addiction started. Wool is wonderful. It absorbs and repells liquids. It keeps you warm in the winter and breathes in the summer. It comes in many different types and colors. As I stated before, I've made my own woolies from wool yarn. I've used Wacky Alpacky for custom yarn. You can search on HC for yarns you like. You can also purchase premade woolies there! I cannot knit yet so I had Thready Or Knot knit me some shorties with yarn that Wacky Alpacky dyed. You can do a search on Hyena Cart for more knitters, there's TONS of them! The prices are high because of the time it takes to make them. They're well worth it!
Another amazing woolie is interlock. I have an addiction to Wild Child Woolies. She is amazing and it's just adorable. Very easy to care for. I haven't used upcycled woolies so I can't comment on them.
Another reaction I get is 'It's too hard to wash.' NO WAY! All of the ways people wash their diapers makes me giggle. You're going to gripe about having to hand wash something after you've had to walk to your washing machine five times to wash one load of daipers? pft. Please. I only wash if they have something on them or if they get poo on them. Otherwise, nope. I own two pairs of interlock I've never washed. We'll wash interlock first. Since Sylas is scooting about, a few pairs have gotten dingy. Usually I wouldn't care but since Brenda asked me to do pictures and a tutorial, I washed them.
Follow the links to view the pictures.
Cute picture of the interlock. First, I'm going to move my knobs to do a 'warm' wash on 'delicate'. What's that you say? I can't wash wool in my washing machine? Sure I can! And I will! Fill up the washing machine on a small load. Pour a little of your wool wash in.
I use Naturally Luxe's Wool Wash in monkey farts. Lol. It has lanolin in it. One less step for me is amazing.
Add your woolies and a few towels. Set it and forget it. See? They're still there! And lay them flat to dry. It'll take a day to a few days (depending on your house) to dry but they'll be good as new!
When it comes to my knits and crochets, I haven't gotten brave enough to throw them in the washing machine. I was told I could, but I just can't yet. We're going to wash a pair of crochet shories.
Fill your sink, bath tub, bucket, whatever with warm water. (Like my fancy plug? And ignore the paint stains.)
Pour your wool wash in. Swish around. Squish and swish your woolies. I like to use a wool bar on the crotch of these woolies. I'm not sure if it helps any but it makes me feel better. I got my wool bar from Crow Mountain Crafts in lavender. Mmmm. Scrubby scrubby. Then you squish a bit more. Squeeze your woolie. Do not wring it. Don't. Lay it on a towel. Roll it up. And step on it. Bam! Clean woolies!
These will also take a day to a few days to dry. These are all of my woolies I have at the moment. I do have a few more in the works and on the way. I have a feeling winter will be fun. I've already started stocking up! I use fitteds or prefolds under my wool. Our night diaper set up is either a SBish sized fitted with all the soakers or a premium prefold with an infant prefold and Thirsties soaker snappi'd under a WCW soaker.
Sanddi is a SAHM to her 7 month old son, Sylas, and 4 large dogs. She has been married to her off-shore oilman, Preston, for about 6 years. They live in the HEB area.
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